Sunny Deol made his debut four decades ago with the Rahul Rawail film Betaab. Since then, he has starred in over 90 movies, including notable titles such as Gadar: Ek Prem Katha, Border, and Ghayal, amongst others. He is the recipient of two National Awards for his performances in Ghayal and Damini.
Here are Sunny Deol’s top 10 highest-rated movies on IMDb:
- Border – 7.9
- Damini – 7.8
- Ghayal – 7.7
- Chup – 7.6
- Darr – 7.6
- Ghatak – 7.5
- Gadar: Ek Prem Katha – 7.3
- Arjun – 7.2
- Chaalbaaz – 6.8
- Badnam – 6.7