The Jury comprised of eminent film makers and film personalities from across the Indian cine-world. The awards were announced by Sh. Ketan Mehta, Chairperson, Feature Films Jury, Sh. Vasanth S Sai, Chairperson, Non-feature Films Jury, Sh. Yatindra Mishra, Best Writing on Cinema Jury in presence of Ms. Neerja Sekhar, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Best feature film award has been given to Rocketry: The Nambi Effect and the Best Non-Feature Film has been bagged by Ek Tha Gaon directed by Srishti Lakhera.
The Kashmir Files has been awarded with Nargis Dutt Award for Best Feature Film on National Integration, while RRR has bagged the Award for Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment.
Allu Arjun has won the award for Best Actor for his stellar performance in the movie Pushpa (The Rise Part I) while Alia Bhatt and Kriti Sanon have become joint winners of Best Actress Award for Gangubai Kathiawadi and Mimi respectively.