Recently, Bachchan gifted his Mumbai abode Prateeksha to his daughter Shweta, which reportedly costs around Rs 50 crore. As per a report by the portal, a gift deed was signed on November 8, and Rs 50.65 lakh was paid as stamp duty. Amitabh Bachchan is one of the most influential personalities in the country who has a staggering net worth, and the worth of his property has been reported to be around Rs 3160 crore.
According to a report by ABP Live, the actor once said he’d equally divide his entire property between his son Abhishek Bachchan & daughter Shweta Bachchan Nanda. Both the children are likely to get Rs 1600 crore each. Where the ‘Refugee‘ actor has a net worth of Rs 280 crore, Shweta’s estimated net worth is around Rs 110 crore.
Recently, Bachchan gifted his Mumbai abode Prateeksha to Shweta, which reportedly costs around Rs 50 crore. As per a report by Money Control, a gift deed was signed on November 8, and Rs 50.65 lakh was paid as stamp duty. Mr Bachchan owns three bungalows in the Juhu area of Mumbai- Jalsa, Janak, and Prateeksha, with the latter being his first house where he stayed with his parents.
Amitabh Bachchan is not just another actor but a legend of a stature not matched by anyone else. Even after being 81 years old, Big B continues to rule the hearts of countless fans.